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Find answers to your questions about school in our FAQ guide for kids!

Parents will receive real-time notifications as soon as the invoice is generated. These notifications can be accessed through their Kid Patrol account. Additionally, parents can also receive the invoice via email for convenient access and record-keeping.

Kid Patrol offers transparent activity logs that keep parents updated on their child's daily activities and routines. From nap times and meals to playtime and learning experiences, you'll have a detailed account of your child's day at school. This feature ensures you stay connected and involved in their daily experiences.

Absolutely! Kid Patrol enables interactive communication between teachers and parents. Teachers can send personalized messages and notifications directly to parents through the app. Whether it's a reminder about upcoming events, a request for supplies, or sharing a special achievement by your child, you'll never miss out on important information.

Yes, Kid Patrol allows for customization of notifications and messages. Teachers can personalize their communications to cater to specific needs or requirements. This flexibility ensures effective and relevant communication between teachers and parents.

Yes, all the invoices generated through Kid Patrol can be accessed and viewed within your Kid Patrol account. You can conveniently track and manage your child's invoices and payment history in one centralized location. Additionally, you can also access and respond to messages and notifications from teachers and staff
